Leg Length Discrepancy After Hip Replacement
Leg length discrepancy after hip replacement can occur due to the size of the implants used and the measures your surgeon needs to take to ensure they are securely in place. When one leg ends up longer than the other, it's most often the leg on the side that the hip was operated on.
That pain in your leg could lead to more nagging pain in the future
According to one study, iliotibial band syndrome is one of the most common injuries in runners presenting with lateral knee pain, with an incidence estimated between 5% and 14%
What Is a Hyperextended Knee?
Knee hyperextension occurs when the knee joint bends backward beyond its normal range of motion. Depending on the severity, this injury can cause damage to the ligaments or tendons that support this area of your leg. It can also lead to pain and several other symptoms.
Surgery for torn meniscus still performed unnecessarily, too often: Study
For people of middle age or older with a tear in the meniscus, but without a history of acute knee trauma, surgery is rarely useful.
How to treat hip bursitis
Hip bursitis is inflammation of the bursae of the hips. Treatment usually involves anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, and rest.